People drain their bank accounts buying various kinds of self-help materials. Instead of going to all that trouble, why not just spend more time fishing? The following article can help you understand some of the ins and outs of how you can become a better fisher and make some great catches.
Look up the maximum weight your boat can carry before you leave the shore. A tipped boat can mean a tragedy when you are in deep water, far from the shore. Stay below the capacity in order to maintain a high level of safety.
It’s important to check on the weather before you set out to make sure that your fishing trip will be safe and productive. Taking a radio can be helpful as well, to make sure you aren’t caught off guard by a sudden change in weather.
Bass Fishing
If you are new to fishing, the best way to learn is by trying bass fishing. The reason for this is that bass are easy to catch and reel in easily. Even when you become an expert on bass fishing, you may still want to do it, as the fight they put up can make your fishing experience exciting.
It is a good idea when you go fishing to bring along a scale. This helps you to determine which catches are worth keeping, as well as to record your own personal bests.
Plumper live bait is much more appealing to fish; it also is easier to place on your fishing hook. Allow the bait to fatten up overnight before your fishing trip. Simply place a handful of worms on a flat container inside the refrigerator and remove them the next morning. A cooler temperature combined with higher humidity will plump them up.
Moisten the line before tying a knot in it. This will reduce the friction of your line as you are tying it and make the knot much stronger. Think about making a double fisherman’s knot or a clinch knot.
Always be aware of wind patterns while you fish. If it’s windy out, fish will most likely go with the current which usually puts them at one particular area in the lake. You need to set your cast into the wind. On the other hand, when the wind is very strong, making casting difficult, the fish will likely gather at the bottom, out of reach.
Fly Fish
Do not plan to fly fish when it is too windy. You won’t cast as effectively if it’s very windy outside. There is less wind in the early morning or the evening which is the best period to fly fish. If you’re finding it’s too breezy, try fishing with the wind facing your back.
Boat maintenance is critical at all times of the year, but over the winter, it is important to use precautionary battery maintenance. When not in use, keep the battery in a dry area in the garage or basement. Find a shelf or something to place it on, as a cold concrete floor can lessen the battery’s life span.
The end goal of fishing is usually catching fish. With these helpful tips in mind, you should find it much easier to reach your goals. When you go on your next fishing trip, you will catch lots of fish!