A lot of folks think camping is just rationing food, being bored and getting bit by bugs. This doesn’t have to be the case. If done right, you can do what you want and eat what you want, all while avoiding the bugs. Keep reading to learn how to plan for an enjoyable trip.
When camping, get your shelter squared away before nightfall. Once the woods are dark, it is very difficult to find firewood, pitch your tent and prepare some food. This is especially true if you are an urbanite whose sight is not used to the pitch dark. Do whatever you can to make sure that you find a safe location for your tent and pitch it before you find yourself in this sticky situation.
After buying a tent, make sure to pitch it in your yard before you leave for a trip. This will prevent you from having a tent with missing pieces and then you can set it up properly. This will also allow you to feel more comfortable about setting up the tent later.
Pack additional clothes when going camping. Camping is messy. Children seem to be dirt magnets. As a result, they are going to be seriously messy by the end of each day. To prepare, bring additional clothing for your children. Remember, always be prepared!
Review the medical coverage that you have. Traveling to a different area may necessitate that you purchase another policy. If you plan to travel to a different country, such as Canada, then its is especially important. Make sure that you that you are prepared, just in case!
Try to go swimming when you are camping. A hot shower can be sorely missed. Spending some time in cool water can help you stay clean and refresh your spirits, so a little swimming can soothe the part of your heart longing for a bath.
Carry a handkerchief or bandanna while camping. This single fabric piece can be used as a carrying bag, hand towel, paper towel, potholder, and blotter. It has a multitude of uses and should be an essential part of your camping gear.
You don’t have to entirely rough it. Bring a little piece of luxury from home. Bring along something lightweight and easy to carry, like a little bit of cream for your coffee or a candy bar. A small luxury that reminds you of home can be uplifting.
Oranges are good things to bring for your camping trip, and not only as a healthy snack option. Just keep the peels in a plastic bag after you eat the orange and then use them to rub on your skin as the sun begins to go down. It is a cheap and effective way to keep the mosquitoes at bay.
Do not forget to pack duct tape for your camping trip so that it can solve neraly any problem! You can patch holes in tents, shoes and inflatables as well as using it to secure your tent or seal your mosquito netting.
After reading this article, you should now know that camping can be quite enjoyable. The information you just read is the perfect starting point for planning a great camping trip. These tips will assist you in enjoying the positive aspects of camping while circumventing the negatives.