Discovering the outdoors and seeing what Mother Nature has to offer is not only fun, but filled with adventure; it is imperative that you take some precautions and gather some basic knowledge. The hints and tips laid out here give you great advice for making your future camping trips a wonderful success.
Sleeping Bag
You need to make sure your sleeping bag is sufficient for the climate. If you use a heavy winter sleeping bag in summer, this can be stifling and uncomfortable. On the other hand, if you pack a lighter summer bag during cold weather camping, you are going to not get any rest. You could even develop hypothermia or frostbite if it’s very cold.
You will get dirty. When you know that going in, you won’t stress out when it happens. Enjoy the outdoors and get down and dirty. You can reclaim the normalcy in your life when you arrive back home.
If you have a new tent, practice setting it up at home before your trip. You can be sure there are no missing pieces and learn ahead of time the correct way to set your tent up. It’s a great way to avoid the frustration of having to set up a tent on site.
Consider taking a CPR and first aid class. This is especially important if young children are traveling with you. If an accident happens, you will have the knowledge that you need to make the situation better until you can get medical help. Make sure to do your research. Are there any poisonous snakes, plants or any other things you should know before you head out?
Camping can be very dangerous or fun depending on whether you’re prepared or not. Always be well prepared prior to leaving on your camping trip. Do your research and understand the local conditions and wildlife, as well as climate concerns. This is the best way to keep yourself safe and enjoy your trip.
You can go swimming at the same time that you camp! You may miss the shower at your home when you are camping. The cool water at a beach or pool will help you feel clean and refreshed.
Carry a bandana or handkerchief with you. A bandana is very versatile and can be used as a blotter, potholder, mini-bag and more. You can use them to pick up hot pans, or to clean up a tiny spill; therefore, you should always have one with you.
Even camping purists may find that having a small luxury item is a good thing. This can be something simple like fresh coffee or a favorite candy. Small luxuries can make enduring a camping trip easier.
Make sure that your bags include oranges, since these double up as both a handy and healthy snack but also serve as an organic and natural repellant of mosquitoes. Save the orange peels and rub them into your exposed skin. Insects will stay away from you for an affordable price.
Purchase some special camping pillows. Standard bed pillows can become hot and sticky in humid weather. They can mildew quickly after absorbing moisture. Pillows made specifically for camping have a protective layer that keeps these things from happening.
Keep a close eye on your dog while you are camping and always keep him on a leash. Other campers may not like dogs, or could even be afraid of them. Take others into consideration when you camp if you bring a dog. Additionally, your dog may cause damage to the property of someone else if left untethered and unsupervised.
Plan several activities to do while camping. Entertain yourself by taking cards and fishing poles. This is especially important if children are going to be camping.
Camping Trip
Being prepared allows your camping trip to be more fun. Put the tips you’ve learned here to use the next time you are planning a camping trip and you will ensure that you have a fun, safe, and relaxing time.