Have you gone camping recently? Camping is a great way to reduce stress and connect with the natural world. You need not think about work, you aren’t distracted by your television, and you can simply relax. Take some time to review this article; it will help your next camping journey become a great success.
It is important to establish and set up your shelter before the sun goes down. Once it gets dark, it is much harder to find wood for your fire, prepare food, and get your tent ready. That can be especially true for someone who live in the suburbs and is not used to total darkness. Avoid this situation by finding shelter before the moon is out.
Choose a sleeping bag that is seasonally appropriate. Bringing a winter bag camping in summer can cause you to roast all night. If you use a lightweight sleeping bag during the winter, you can spend your night shivering if it’s cold outside. You could even experience hypothermia.
Never assume that you will find enough wood to burn, because rain can change that in an instant. Bringing your own small supply of wood and keeping it dry is a wise decision.
Remember that everything you bring along, including you and your family, will more than likely get dirty. Being prepared for this will make sure you don’t stress too much when it occurs. Take this as an opportunity to enjoy the freedom, let your hair down, and get a little dirtier than usual. You can reclaim the normalcy in your life when you arrive back home.
Make sure that the tent you take camping has enough space for everyone you are taking along. This assures there is enough sleeping and moving around room.
Prior to leaving on your camping adventure, look at the weather forecast in the location your are going to be camping. This can give you an idea of what you will be experiencing on your trip. If you have the correct information, you can pack properly.
Dryer Lint
You can use dryer lint as a kindling to start a campfire with. Collect your dryer lint about a month before you go camping. Hang a plastic bag beside your dryer and toss the lint into it. Doing this means you can just snag your kindling on the way out the door the morning your trip starts.
If you are going camping, be sure to have a first aid kit. You may need different supplies, depending on where you will be, but there are certain things that you should always have. You should bring things like a flare and antivenom as well, you never know what might happen.
Remember the old scout motto – be prepared! Things can sometimes go awry, even when carefully planned. Also, be aware that the weather can be very unpredictable. The more time you spend preparing for the unforeseen, the better off you will be when it comes to dealing with an emergency later on.
Pick an appropriate sleeping bag for the camping climate. Use a lightweight sleeping bag for hot weather and a heavy sleeping bag for cold weather. You need a sleeping bag that fits snugly and keeps your body heat in if you’re going to sleep outside in a tent.
Camping Experience
Planning the perfect camping experience is easy when you use tips like the ones in this article. Those were just some of the ways you can camp safely and happily. Continue to educate yourself about the many things you can do to improve the camping experience.