People dream of a relaxing, stress-free camping trip. With that said, it is necessary to plan for the worst, so that you do not end up having an awful time. Keep reading to find tips and advice for ensuring that your next camping adventure goes off without a hitch.
Bring a hankerchief or a bandanna with you. Such an item can be used as a carrying bag, a potholder, a hand towel, a blotter or a paper towel. It is very versatile, so be sure you take one with you every time you go camping.
Educate yourself about the area that you are camping in, and know what hazards you could encounter. That include deadly spiders, sheer drops, and flash flood areas. Any place you go has its own unique challenges.
If you are a novice camper, choose a destination close to home for your first trip. This is so you can easily get home if you don’t enjoy your camping experience. Others may find that they have a shortage of food or their clothing isn’t appropriate. There could be a lot of reasons why you need to end your trip early, so keeping your first trip close to home can save a lot of headaches.
Camping’s main idea is to generally live off of the land, however, you still need to be well-prepared. Though a sleeping bag is great, extra blankets can also be useful. This will keep you warm if it gets really cool at night and/or you can use them for additional padding.
Make sure you have what you might need in case of any event. While it is vital to come up with a plan, sometimes things happen that were not in your plans. The weather is something that can change suddenly, and that can make the environment become more dangerous. You must always exercise great care, avoid risk and consider your actions always.
When you find your camping spot, put the tent up on top of the patch of ground that is flattest and softest. Choosing a sloped or rocky area to camp at can make you uncomfortable when in your tent. Make sure to put a tarp down so that water cannot penetrate your tent.
Don’t forget to bring back-ups of things like batteries and flashlights. There are going to be moments when you must clearly see certain items when it gets dark. Having ample light sources can prevent falls or surprise encounters with local wildlife. It’s a good idea to bring along one flashlight for each person in your camping party.
Sleeping Bag
Make sure your sleeping bag is fit for the environment in which you are going to camp. Use a lightweight sleeping bag for hot weather and a heavy sleeping bag for cold weather. If you are spending the night in a tent in cold weather, a bag that hugs your body and traps your body heat is essential.
Try to arrange all of your clothing in advance before you go on a camping trip. Pack plenty of clothes that will last you the length of your trip. Pack clothes that will allow you to dress properly for whatever weather is expected in the area where you will be camping. You want to bring durable shoes that are closed toed like hiking boots since they work in many situations.
Take along a current picture of any kids you have camping with you. In the unfortunate event of an accident, this will help you have some form of identification for seeking assistance. Be sure that you have one on hand if you are far from home so that you are fully prepared.
As you may know, camping is quite fun. However, when the preparations are lacking, the trip can be disastrous. Remember to keep the information here in mind to make for the best camping trip possible. Never forget to enjoy yourself!