People often think of escaping from the stress and worries of regular life by planning a fun camping trip. But, without the proper planning, your trip might not be so enjoyable. This article offers you the tips you need to plan ahead for a successful camping experience.
Pick a type of sleeping bag that happens to be appropriate for the season. A bag that is intended for winter conditions will surely cause you to overheat when you are trying to sleep in summer weather. The opposite is true as well, a summer bag won’t keep you warm in the winter. You may even subject yourself to hypothermia.
Put together a survival pack and have it on you all the time. A survival kit should consist of matches, first aid necessities a flare gun and a knife. This kit can save your life if you get into a dangerous situation. This kit should be carried with you and not left back at camp.
Be well-versed in emergency first aid if you plan on camping out, especially if there will be kids with you. This way, should an accident occur, at least you are properly prepared until help arrives. You should also research the area you plan on camping in. Find out what poisonous snakes or dangerous animals live in the area.
Oranges are not only a healthy snack to take on a camping trip, but they are also versatile when used as a mosquito repellent. Save the orange peels and rub them into your exposed skin. Insects will stay away from you for an affordable price.
Try to get your camp fully set up by nightfall. Figure out where you can park if you are driving an RV. If your camping with a tent, make sure to find a dry area that is also flat so you can pitch your tent with ease. If you do it before nighttime, it is easier to get familiar with the area. You will be able to see due to the sunlight and you will have an easier time.
Make sure you have a good chat with your children about basic camping dangers before you head away. You can always visit websites that illustrate the dangers posed by poison ivy as well as other harmful plants.
If you are a camping novice, you should initially stay near home. You could run into problems with your gear, or you may decide you simply don’t like camping that much. Perhaps you realize that you’ve run out of food or haven’t packed enough clothing. There could be a lot of reasons why you need to end your trip early, so keeping your first trip close to home can save a lot of headaches.
Come prepared for everything when you’re preparing to camp. It is important to be prepared for certain situations. However, your plans never unfold exactly how you want them. Weather is truly unpredictable at times, so prepare yourself for the worse. It’s vital to everyone’s well being that no severe risks are taken and that all safety precautions are heeded.
Plan to save the light of your flashlight before you go camping. You can easily turn on the flashlight while searching through bags and equipment. You can avoid dead batteries by installing them in the flashlight backwards until you need the light. This prevents the flashlight from coming on and will ensure it is ready for use when needed.
As you know, camping is supposed to be enjoyable. However, it may not be so fun if you’re not properly prepared. By using the camping tips and advice you’ve learned here, you can be sure your next trip will be exciting and memorable for all the right reasons. And remember, have fun!